Emma is a mum of three boys. When not working for a local wildlife charity she crams in as many family adventures as possible, from making dens and cooking damper bread over a campfire, to picking elderflowers and making champagne. Emma has blogged since 2007 at Bradshaw & Sons where she shares her love of nature, photography and stories about raising her lively boys!
My mother. She raised me on her own and was the queen of make, do and mend long before it became fashionable. She is also the best grandmother to my three boys.
Without hesitation my cameras – SLR, Polaroid SX70, kodak brownie, lomo, lomokino, fuji instax and camera phone – that record our daily lives and adventures.
A morning cuddle and cup of tea in bed with the boys followed by a trip to the farmers’ market where we’ll buy beautiful flowers, bread, cider and apple juice and chorizo. This followed by a picnic by a meandering stream, where we’d dip our toes in, splash about and catch fish in jam jars, before releasing them back again. We’ll turn our faces to the sun and return home with freckles on our noses, singing loudly to the CD in the car!
A cuddle with my boys, watching them play and laugh, and seeing the world through their wild and curious eyes. Freshly baked bread straight from the oven. Gossiping with friends over tea and cake. A kiss from my husband last thing at night. Wild swimming. Dancing in the kitchen. Holidays. Crates (I have a slightly odd obsession!) Foraging and exploring the countryside.
I would like to live more in the present, to slow the world down and enjoy the precious times we have as a family together now. My children are growing up far too quickly and I’ve found my first grey hair. I think I’d like to press the pause button!